Wednesday, April 22, 2009


The past months have been pretty crazy so I haven't written for a while. March was kind of a blur. Between Sharon being sick and birthdays. Sharon (my sister) had Mersa and was sick for 31/2 months. She was in intensive care at Montain View Hospital for about 4 weeks. Then she was moved to the Riverwoods Specialty Hspital where she stayed for another month. She finally came home the end of March but she has been back in the hospital twice in 3 weeks. She has Mersa again but she is home taking strong antibiotics. I hope she can get better and have a better life. We went to Cedar City and had a great time in March. We were there for Angie's birthday.We all went but Katie and NelLyn's family. We had a great time bowling and visiting with Randy and Nickloas. We hit a snow strom on the way home but we sure had fun. Easter was fun this year. We went to the Easter Egg Hunt in Santaquin and then we went to breakfast. We had another Easter Egg Hunt at NelLyn's house. The grandkids had fun flying there kites. It was McKaylee's 10th birthday on March 30th. She looked like a princess. She is really a beautiful little girl,and she sings like an angel. Brianna turn 14 on April 10th. I can't believe she is growing up so fast. Steff and I took her shopping for her presents we had alot of fun. Steffanie took her to have her harir cut. It is really cute but she sure looks grown up. Katie, Steffanie, and Sharon all had brithdays as well. Life is crazy and I would like to run away but what else is new. I will write again soon.